The Inclusive Museum


In my last few posts I have discussed…what dyslexia is, how museums can be fantastic learning spaces for individuals with learning difficulties such as dyslexia, and today I am going to be exploring what museums can do to increase dyslexic access and inclusion.

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Backward looking or forward thinking? Museums and dyslexia…


Museums and Galleries have an enormous potential with respects to playing a significant role in combating social exclusion…. but is this potential being realised with respects to dyslexic access? In short no!

Traditionally the focus has been on over coming the physical barriers that disabled individuals face when accessing museums and galleries. But, of the 87 million disabled individuals within Britain, 95% are not wheelchair users…. what about their access?

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You may now refer to me as Anna Chrystal Master of the Arts (Dis)


I have done it! It may have taken years of education, tears, worries, panick attacks…. But I have finally been reward for my hard work! My dissertation, “to what extent do museums currently address dyslexic access and inclusion?” received a distinction!

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Day of the Dead at the Museum of Archaology and Anthropology


Continuing my Curating Cambridge theme I recently volunteered at Cambridge’s Museum of Archology and Anthropology.

The MAA! Beautiful.

The MAA! Beautiful.

On the day I was volunteering the museum was hosting a variety of events related to the Mexican celebration of Dia de Muertos or Day of the Dead. As the museum house many objects related to these celebrations, it seemed only fitting to created educational activities to coincide with the event itself.

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The Birds and the Bees…


A large part of Haslemere Educational Museum’s collection relates to Natural history (something I am very interested in, and have specialised in), and as a result several  educational events related Natural History.

Since I was placed at Haslemere Educational Museum as part of my MA LUMEN placement (see earlier posts) I was able to experience and get involved with events such as the Falconary Display and the Bee Keeping Event.

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Magnificent Medals – Commemorating the heroes of WWI


As you may be aware this year commemorates the 100 year anniversary of the start of WWI. With over 37 million casualties, I feel it is important to educate children in relation to the sacrifices many brave man and women made in order to secure their safe future.

So you can imagine that I was thrilled with to help, when I was asked by the staff at Haslemere Educational Museum, with WWI educational activities (which you are never to old to get involved in!)

Your never to old for Arts and Crafts!!

Your never to old for Arts and Crafts!!

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